Costs and Profits of Raising Puppies

There are a lot of costs associated with dog ownership; the initial price of purchase is just one of them. In general the most expensive dogs over time are larger breeds that require more food, the dogs with grooming needs, and those prone to more health issues or dental care. A short haired small breed is going to be the least expensive for care costs.

However, if you are planning to raise and sell puppies, you want to have a puppy that will bring in a profit while covering all the other costs. In addition to the regular care costs, there are additional costs with breeding dogs such as yearly exams, marketing fees, and possible emergency expenditures. These all need to be taken into account when figuring out what to charge for a puppy.

Prices fluctuate somewhat from year-to-year, but the some of the most expensive dog breeds include:


  1. Tibetan mastiff
  2. Samoyed
  3. Black Russian Terrier
  4. French Bulldog
  5. Afghan Hound


Puppy purchase price may vary widely from state-to-state as well. If you are willing to travel to pick up a puppy, you may find it cheaper to purchase a puppy somewhere else including the travel costs. The most important factor to consider is the type of breed you want as a companion, and how much you can afford to care for them over a lifetime. 

If you are planning to breed, take some time to research your local market. Find a newspaper, online website, or facebook chat that specializes in advertising puppies for sale. Search the dogs for sale in order of most expensive to least expensive to get a feel of what other breeders are asking for different breeds. List the most expensive dogs in your area. Then write down the expected costs for caring and whelping puppies with these dogs. This should give you a fairly good idea of what the real profit is after the initial costs of purchase and yearly care. Just because a puppy is expensive doesn’t mean it is bringing the most profit.

In fact, some of the most profitable dogs to breed are ones that do not charge the most for the puppy price. These are dogs that have low health problems, easy whelping, large litters, and low grooming needs. The lists for the most profitable dog based on these factors, depending on your area, includes:

  1. Siberian Husky
  2. Labrador
  3. Rottweiler
  4. German Shepherd
  5. Golden Retrievers


When I first started breeding, the English Cream Golden

Retrievers were among the most expensive dogs on the market. They have large litters, generally, with little health concerns and make a great match for the market. However, the market does fluctuate and being the top selling dog doesn’t always stay the same.

Currently, French Bulldogs and Tibetan Mastiffs are selling for a lot of money. Both of these dogs have difficulty whelping on their own, however, and the costs to breed them can be quite expensive. To read more about which dogs are the healthiest read about them here or to read more about which dogs have the least difficulty whelping read about it here.

If you love a dog breed not on the lists above and want to raise 

puppies, do not despair. Raise the dogs you love, no matter whether you get a large profit or not. The most important factor in raising dogs is that you love them and want them as a part of your family. Your love will be manifest in the way you raise the puppies and find homes for them.

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